Monday, September 24, 2012

Honestly, What is College Really (good) For?

This is a topic no one really brings up. The subject of what college is really for and it is really necessary.Growing Up. I was always told to further my education. I am pretty sure we all were. Never once did I think of simply asking "Why?" Going to college just always seemed like how life is supposed to go.You go from Pre-school, to elementary, middle school, high school, and then college. That's life cycle......right? For the majority it is, but what about for the rest? Not everyone believes that college is a must for them. College has its benefits, and some downfalls that can come along with it that most people would just rather avoid. 

The main downfall......the amount of debt that you could fall into, if you're not careful. 

According to, student loan debt has now "exceeded the nation's credit card debt." Even though it seems like it would be easy to fall into the debt. I believe it is just as easy not to. Another reason most people see college as unnecessary, is the big question of "Will I get a job when it's all over?" For some , that is no guarantee. Most people want that degree in what they love and dream of doing for the rest of their lives, but will it pay off in the end? Will it help to payback any student loans that you have? That is what makes most drop their dreams and go for a degree more practical. states that certain degrees such as history, liberal arts, or languages can be very beneficial. Especially if you continue on to your Master's. The thing is though; you must stay motivated to succeed no matter what to get a degree period. 

photo credit:instantcollegedegree.comWell  what about the benefits of college? There are plenty! College  changes our lives for the better in every aspect. For starter'sit helps us to become more independent . I have always wanted to be able to get out and get it on my own. There is no better feeling than not to have to depend on anyone but yourself. College teaches you to take care of yourself , all  by yourself, and get some priorities in your life that you may not have had before. College turns us all into responsible adults and shows us what it is really like in the "REAL" world. 
Not only does college mold us and shape us into productive citizens, it helps with social life as well. 
You meet so many different people from so many different places. Even people from different countries. Who wouldn't want to experience that? Not only does college have personal benefits and social benefits,the main aspect is the DEGREE benefits.     photocredit:

During our time here, there are so many opportunities available before we even get into our field such as many different internships and jobs that will look great on a resume' and give you some experience. In the article on, it says how college can expand the way we see things. How college can change our whole outlook on life period. College turns us into critical thinkers, and also realistic people. Getting the degree of your choice in something you love is the biggest benefit that college has. It is the gift that will keep on giving. 

The link elaborates on how college graduates are in high demand and are doing very well for themselves and goes on to say how college-educated workers are higher earners than those who skipped out on college. Honestly, that is a given. You really cannot expect to come out of high school and work a good paying, high level job. College may have a few downfalls here and there that would make people change their minds on thinking of going, but along with the few downfalls, college has plenty of benefits. College is ultimately, an investment into our futures that will have the ultimate payoff if we excel while we are here.

Monday, September 10, 2012


                  So the topic for today is simply "Why College?," and I will simply say, "Why NOT College?" There are many reasons why people choose to go and choose the option not to. I chose to come to college for a few good reasons. Back in high school, I learned something about myself. I love to help people. Especially children. It is something that I am passionate about. I'm not talking about helping in regular everyday  ways. I mean helping with life situations. When I interned at a local hospital in Birmingham, it felt as if that was where I needed to be. Almost destined to be. Right in the hospital, in a nurse's uniform, helping patients. Why not come to college and earn my degree in something that I am passionate about and can get paid to do on top of that? I would be crazy if I didn't. Not only did I come to college to earn a degree in something I love, I am here to better and further my knowledge in all subjects. You can never know too much about a topic.  Some people get lucky and don't ever have to go college such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. College is not meant for some people either. Everyone though, can't be a Bill Gates and others think school is just not for them period. Well, not I! I know my degree will open many doors for me.See these people in those pictures?  I want to be able to not only take care of them in the future, but myself and my own family that I will start as well. Secure my future. There is no way that is going to happen on a high school diploma alone.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Real Me!

Well, I will start off my stating my whole name which is Camera(like kodak) Charese Gibson. My birthday is November 30 and  I am from Birmingham, Al. I bet you are wondering how the collage of photos at the top of this post describes who I am. The collage is made up of two images I've done for photography and the middle from google. I am a very caring person. Almost too caring. I often think more about the care of others moreso than myself, which is represented by the photo on the far left. The heart in the picture does not represent who I am today because I have changed and learned to forgive so diregard that. The middle and far right picture show that I love to smile and I am bright and beautiful person ! I am the youngest of 3 children and I have 3 nieces and a nephew who I love dearly. I have a great personality but no one really knows that until they actually talk to me. I love to shop, eat, and just hangout with friends. I am also very ambitious when it comes to things I plan to do with my life. All in all, I am a very sweet, gentle, and funny person!