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For this post I have chosen to revise the previous post "Is College Good Enough" Why? Well, because I need to be more apparent about where I stand on the subject. Not only for me, but my readers as well. So let's get started shall we?
So obviously, the topic is, is our degree at the end of our college journey good enough. My answer in the beginning was sort of in between, but now that my eyes have been opened more, my answer is clearly "No." Now this is no time to freak out, drop all your classes, and completely drop out of college period. I'm just simply saying that we must go beyond the degree. For that piece of paper is only first base, a stepping stone. College is supposed to prepare us for the "Real Word" supposedly, but is it really doing that job well?
In the article
The Bad Habits You Learn in School, John Coleman stresses how school PERIOD doesn't really teach leadership skills and how most of us are stuck on finding the "right answer" in things all the time.These are bad habits that need to be soon broken before we get into the "Real World". But how can we do that ? When you feel like you need to take initiative, DO SO. Being a leader can be a little intimidating, but it also can be very much worth it
. Being that leader can open so many doors when it comes to your career. You also can gain followers to be apart of your project that can make it that much stronger. When it comes to the right or wrong answer thing, do not be afraid of failure. It is such a strong word, but we are much stronger. Embrace it. See any failures as something to grow from. MINOR SETBACKS,MAJOR COMEBACKS.
Now that we've got those bad habits broken, what is another way that we must do more that what college provides? Well, that degree that we are all putting our blood, sweat, and tears into, is ultimately, a piece of paper that recognizes only that. What will separate you from the rest? What will make that employer pick you over someone with the same degree? We must go beyond just our academics.When you graduate, you will not be the only one applying for that job,trust me.
Why Your College Degree Is Not Enough states that "Experience trumps a degree every time." So,before we go into the job market, we must put in work with any internship that relates to our careers. A little experience can get you further than no experience at all. Internships, Co-ops, even jobs around campus in your major department can help and also open many more doors than just graduating and competing with people who have been trained. Give them some competition.
We are constantly told to get ready for the infamous "Real World" that we are honestly already living in. Sh*t got real when we graduated high school right? Right. No, our degrees are not enough. It is up to us, to go above and beyond to have our dream careers. If you're not willing to put in the work, then why are you in college in the first place?? Let's handle our business people. While we are here, and when we leave.