So the topic for today is simply "Why College?," and I will simply say, "Why NOT College?" There are many reasons why people choose to go and choose the option not to. I chose to come to college for a few good reasons. Back in high school, I learned something about myself. I love to help people. Especially children. It is something that I am passionate about. I'm not talking about helping in regular everyday ways. I mean helping with life situations. When I interned at a local hospital in Birmingham, it felt as if that was where I needed to be. Almost destined to be. Right in the hospital, in a nurse's uniform, helping patients. Why not come to college and earn my degree in something that I am passionate about and can get paid to do on top of that? I would be crazy if I didn't. Not only did I come to college to earn a degree in something I love, I am here to better and further my knowledge in all subjects. You can never know too much about a topic. Some people get lucky and don't ever have to go college such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. College is not meant for some people either. Everyone though, can't be a Bill Gates and others think school is just not for them period. Well, not I! I know my degree will open many doors for me.See these people in those pictures? I want to be able to not only take care of them in the future, but myself and my own family that I will start as well. Secure my future. There is no way that is going to happen on a high school diploma alone.
I agree with your question "Why Not College?" I really respect the fact that you are passionate about becoming a nurse. So many people end up in a field they don't like or had no idea of what all it consisted of. I am an Elementary Education/ Collaborative Teaching major and I believe kids need someone to really show them compassion and understanding. Good luck with your goals and continue to strive to achieve everything you hope to become. :)
ReplyDeleteI think "Why not college?" is the best question to ask. I agree with you in respects of choosing a degree that you have a love for because no one wants to go through at least four more years of school and maybe more and then end up having a career that you hate waking up everyday and having to go to. So picking a degree that you are passionate about is one of the most important decisions when going to college.
ReplyDeleteHey Camera! I can really relate to your post. I also want to become a nurse and help children in need. One thing that I believe in is that children are the future, and by becoming a pediatric nurse, I'm going to try to give each sick child that i come across the opportunity to have a successful future like the one I intend on having. I also agree that you can never know too much about a certain topic. It's better to know too much than not enough. But good luck on becoming a nurse!!! =)
ReplyDeletei really relate to your post and good luck achieving your goals!
ReplyDelete" Why not college ?" is a good way to look at it, and also it seems like one of the best questions. I can really relate to where you are coming from when you say helping children is something you're passionate about because I feel the same way. I want to become a Neonatal nurse to help critical care babies and also normal babies. So I understand exactly where you're coming from.
ReplyDeleteThis post couldn't of been said any better. I love the motivation and determination you have to pursuit your career and goals. I could some what relate to this. I also believe that you could never learn too much of anything. My favourite thing you wrote about is your determination to help. Great post.