Did you know, we are living in a “Shareable World?”. I know I didn't. At least I didn't realize actually how "shareable" it actually is or can be. For my blog today, I chose to respond to an article from “SHARE or DIE.” I then chose the section called Society where I found “10 Ways Our World is Becoming More Shareable” and I must say it kind of blew my mind as to how things really are. How though??
Well for starters, what exactly does a shareable world mean? Right now, it seems as if everyone is going through everything, everywhere. From wars, to riots, to hate crimes, so where in the hell is this so called shareable world that this book speaks of?? It is of course right up under our noses, but everyone seems too occupied with world issues, instead of trying to find ways how to solve them. From the internet, to non-profit organizations, there is more than one way to lend a helping hand.
For instance, everyone's main girl called Social Media.Everybody has some type of social media they use for something. Whether it is a profile on Facebook or Twitter, or something as simple as a YouTube Channel. Millions of people use it,but only thousands may be using it for the good of the people. There are many organizations that use social media to get the word out about fundraisers for certain causes,research,diseases, or even posting tutorials on how to perform certain tasks or homework that you would be absolutely lost about otherwise.Well, why aren't more of us on the helping end instead of the “Lend me a hand?” Once you receive your help does it hurt to pass it on? I think not.
This article also pointed out how cities and even our lifestyles are filled with sharing. We all know of the recession and how it has taken it's toll on most if not all. How is sharing involved in that? When we see a family member or person , of course you want to lend a helping hand. At least, I would hope. We share what we have with them. Everything from carpooling, to clothes, to maybe even a room in our homes, these are all forms of sharing your world, parts of your life with that person. To help them get them back on their feet.
share our minds and thoughts, not only for the advancement of ourselves, but everyone.You can't complain about how the world or this nation is lagging when you're not willing to yourself, to go out,search the internet, search the social media, even search the workplace, to find ways that you can get off your ass and do something.Then, once you find it, share that with someone else, so the advancement never stops, and this“Shareable World” can be more existent to us and younger generations to come.