Monday, October 22, 2012


Did you know, we are living in a “Shareable World?”. I know I didn't. At least I didn't realize actually  how "shareable" it actually is or can be. For my blog today, I chose to respond to an article from “SHARE or DIE.” I then chose the section called Society where I found “10 Ways Our World is Becoming More Shareable” and I must say it kind of blew my mind as to how things really are. How though?? 

Well for starters, what exactly does a shareable world mean? Right now, it seems as if everyone is going through everything, everywhere. From wars, to riots, to hate crimes, so where in the hell is this so called shareable world that this book speaks of?? It is of course right up under our noses, but everyone seems too occupied with world issues, instead of trying to find ways how to solve them. From the internet, to non-profit organizations, there is more than one way to lend a helping hand. 

 For instance, everyone's main girl called Social Media.Everybody has some type of social media they use for something. Whether it is a profile on Facebook or Twitter, or something as simple as a YouTube Channel. Millions of people use it,but only thousands may be using it for the good of the people. There are many organizations that use social media to get the word out about fundraisers for certain causes,research,diseases, or even posting tutorials on how to perform certain tasks or homework that you would be absolutely lost about otherwise.Well, why aren't more of us on the helping end instead of the “Lend me a hand?” Once you receive your help does it hurt to pass it on? I think not. 
This article also pointed out how cities and even our lifestyles are filled with sharing. We all know of the recession and how it has taken it's toll on most if not all. How is sharing involved in that? When we see a family member or person , of course you want to lend a helping hand. At least, I would hope. We share what we have with them. Everything from carpooling, to clothes, to maybe even a room in our homes, these are all forms of sharing your world, parts of your life with that person. To help them get them back on their feet.

photo credit:

Towards the end of the article, there is a passage about what is referred to as "Generation G" The generation of generosity I believe. I bet you're wondering “Who is apart of that?” I asked the same thing myself honestly. Not too many in my generation seem to be apart of it. So who are they? Only 61% of Ages 13-25 supposedly. Why is that number so low though? Why aren't there more of us doing something for others? Selfless service? Now I will admit, I can be a selfish person at times,but I do what I can when it comes to charities and other things of that nature. Older generations believe that “Generation G” will transform this world. How is that possible if more people are only worried about themselves than others? It does not hurt to help someone in need. I'm not just talking about some homeless person. I mean people like US. College students, high school students, elementary kids, even people older than us. There is nothing wrong with helping and sharing your world with them. Why not share ideas of advancement with each other,instead of keeping it to ourselves, and then wondering why the rest of the world is so behind. We should learn to share our ideas,
share our minds and thoughts, not only for the advancement of ourselves, but everyone.You can't complain about how the world or this nation is lagging when you're not willing to yourself, to go out,search the internet, search the social media, even search the workplace, to find ways that you can get off your ass and do something.Then, once you find it, share that with someone else, so the advancement never stops, and this“Shareable World” can be more existent to us and younger generations to come.

Monday, October 8, 2012


stock photo : Young white Caucasian male adult has way too many questions in his headphoto

                    Now here is a question you very rarely hear asked. Is college good enough? Will I have the necessary skills? Is just college enough for my chosen career? Everyone or majority of us are here because we were told to come here. Some of us never really thought about the question of is this enough? In my personal opinion, I believe in college and beyond! Yes, getting a degree is good, but it is really just the first step! In the article Why Your College Degree Is Not Enough, it states how having a degree really does not set you apart from anyone else.  I totally agree with this statement. Think about how many people will be going out for the same exact positions as you with the same degree. What will set you apart? EXPERIENCE. Internships are everywhere. You have to have the ambition to go out and find them, because in this day and age, that piece of paper we are working so hard for has to have more behind it than the school it came from. 
    Now I'm not saying that our degrees are completely worthless. I am just saying that it is the first stepping stone. While we are here though, we must do our best to excel or we won't even have a degree.
                     Although studies from the article When C's Become A's show that people who study less earn the higher grades, does NOT mean that is true for everyone. Some proffesors could be just giving you a grade to benefit them more than you. Where am I going with this? Do your best to get your degree! A degree really is not going to be worth anything if you did not put forth the effort and hard work. Not only will you know it, but your future employers as well. You cannot ask the question "Is college good enough for me?" when you slack on your studies and assignments. No one wants to just "get by" in the world. We all want to be the best for ourselves. 

        So you have the grades so far, internships in mind, but what else can college provide? I am only a freshman in college. I do not yet know what all college has to offer for me besides the academics and job opportunities around campus. What about when it comes to who we are as people right now though? Will we change for the better or worse? I believe that college ultimately makes us more well rounded people in general. We are hit with so many different experiences and different people from all around the United States and the world.

            What should you do? Embrace it. Embrace Growth And Change states how a usually shy student may go back home more confident in themselves. Out in the "real world" you will be faced with many different types of situations and people. College can ultimately prepare you for that if you are able to take in everything the right way. Now there may be some bad habits we need to break before getting out into the workplace. According to The Bad Habits You Learn In School, most of us have the "must get an A" attitude. That attitude can impair us from learning from our failures. Remember to drop this habit and reflect on your failures. Do not settle. Ask your proffesors what you can do to be a better student and ultimately a better person. Again, you can not ask the question "Is college good enough," if you are not putting in effort in what you feel you deserve. 

So ultimately, is college really (good) enough? Of Course!
                    Yes, it has it's ups and downs to it, but HELLO what doesn't? It is all about what you do with your time here and how you go about handling your business. If you feel like you deserve more out of something or a subject, then find better. No one can stop you from prospering but yourself and your fears. Make College Count! 8 Ways to get the Most out of Your First Year, shows ways how college is more than just a degree. Everything ultimately lands on you and what you accomplish while you are here and even when you graduate.